
Sack's posts

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Toying with Week 16 Correlation

With the flattening of the Week 17 prize structure in Best Ball Mania V, there has been plenty of discourse surrounding prioritizing game stacking in Week 16. Neil Farley shared this Twitter thread demonstrating that if we were able to precisely control our win rate for a given week, Week

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A Dash of Diversification

In the article Stop Diversifying Your Picks. Start Diversifying Your Teams. I used Jaccard similarity to explore best ball portfolio diversification. If you haven't read that article already, you're going to want to do that before reading this one, as there will be some concepts that

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Stop Diversifying Your Picks. Start Diversifying Your Teams.

As the best ball community continues to advance in its understanding of strategy, portfolio diversification is garnering more attention. However, the best way to implement a properly diversified portfolio is still being debated. Some drafters in the discourse prefer concentrating their bets; when correct on a player take, they want

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Way Too Early Best Ball Draft Strategy

The day was Monday, January 29th. With the Conference Championship games completed, my playoff best ball dreams all but dashed, and only the Super Bowl remaining as the final slate of the season... I was ready for a little bit of a break from the grind of the NFL. I

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Sortino Ratio: A New Floor/Ceiling Combo Metric

In fantasy football, there are tons of different metrics that we use to help us evaluate players. But despite the laundry list of tools available to fantasy football analysts, we don't have a simple measure of a player’s floor/ceiling combo. Other analysts have made attempts to

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The Sackreligious Approach to Playoff Best Ball

A Sackreligious Introduction When I started Legendary Upside, I was excited about how it could eventually grow beyond my own writing and content and begin to feature other voices in the industry. I've really enjoyed collaborating with Daniel Racz and Kyle Dvorchak on our best ball rankings and